From Hatchet Bay going north to Little Harbour Bay.

While I was anchored the sailing weather to good to stay on anchored so I left the bay . Outside the wind was good from northerly direction . I was heading for the area near Goulding Cay Point. There are some nice beaches . The sail was a bit rough but perfect and at 10.00 the anchor was down. But after I was on anchor for a little while somewhere nearby on land all kind of machinery came to live

And yes that was not nice so I picked up the anchor and moved a bit where I was oke. In the afternoon it become overcast but anyhow I took the dinghy and rowed to the beach and had a nice walk.

The next day I sailed back to Hatchet Bay. There was a strong westerly coming and then the Bay is a good place to be on anchor. And yes the next day the west wind came but it was not that strong. Late in the afternoon it became a bit less. I stayed the next day and late afternoon there was loud regea music from the shore. This stopped around 21.00 but then the bar near the dinghy dock started with his loud music what only stopped around midnight.

The next morning I went ashore to buy some veggies and bread. I was luckily because I had the last loaf of bread that was there. Back on board I did this and that. By 20.30 that evening I thought , you know what I go and sail for a anchor spot near Current Cut. By 21.00 I left . Nowhere near the entrance is a navigation light but I came safe out and outside was nice gently breeze and I had very nice sail under a pitch dark sky with lots of stars. And the only music was the water moving along the boat and the wind in the sails. And at 02.00 the anchor was in.

Here you see Current Cut just after I passed it.

The next morning after breakfast and coffee I sailed to the beginning of Current Cut. I went trough it without a problem. Last time when I went trough it I had 3 knots of current with me now only 1 knot against me.

From Current Cut I was heading north to Little Harbour Bay in the Abacos. I did this passage during the night because I wanted to be shore to arrive at the passage trough the reef at Little Harbour Bay by daylight. The wind good and I had a very nice gently sail mostly only on the foresail. And at 08.00 I was safe on anchor. But during the day the wind increased and it became a bit uncomfortable where I was.

I pick up the anchor and moved to a spot behind the island on the other side . There it was oke .

The next morning The weather was good and the only a breeze so I moved to the spot I was anchored yesterday. While I was on anchor there and having a coffee I saw an other boat anchoring just a bit more north of me. I though you know what I go there to , to see how it there. Half an hour later I was safe on anchor behind them.

Later in the afternoon I went to with the dinghy to the beach there. The beach was full of old seaweed. There was a ā€œ road ā€œ and I walked up and found a patch to the east coast of the island. There the waves were crashing to the lava rocks.

During the next day I moved again and now back where I ā€œ normally ā€œ anchor near Lynyard Cay.

I had I had a good time there and also there was a short patch to the other side of the island. There were no rocks but a big beach.

While I was on anchor there I met the people from an other boat who were there and on one evening we decided to make a fire to burn our garbage.

Some people from other boats also came to see what was going on and two boats brought something to eat. Together we had a good time. The next day I took it easy. And the day after that I left to sail up north again . More about that in the next post.

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