Thomas Cay in the Exumas to Rock Sound and Hatchet Bay Harbour on Eleuthera.

I left Black Point with the intention to go to a anchorage just 3 nautical miles further north . But once out the anchorage and in the cut I had the wind from forward and to tack. Then I saw where I had planned to go and that didn’t look to deep for me. I decided to skip all this and to go trough the cut ( this is how the passages between the islands here are called ) and to sail trough the Exuma Sound to Thomas Cay . Once in the sound I had a beautiful , gently sail. The cut at Thomas Cay was an easy one with not to much current. And once in I went to the anchorage behind Thomas Cay .

It was a beautiful anchor spot and the surroundings were also beautiful and the holding for the anchor very good. There were only a few other boats there on anchor. All above pictures are take in Thomas Cay. On the second day, late afternoon

I took my garbage ashore and collected some wood and started a fire to burn my garbage. When the last wood was burning a couple from an other boat who were also there on anchor came to join me. That had seen the fire and thought we have check that out. They found some more wood and got the fire going and had a nice chat.

The next day I took my camera , a bottle of water and my shore shoes and went ashore for an expedition. There was a patch that would bring be to a hill near the cut. The first part went trough the bush and then I had cross a muddy nearly dry “ lake “ . It was real shit but I made it across. The view from the hill was beautiful. There was also a beach on the other side but I could not find a way to go there so I went back to dinghy and Mylady.

The next morning just after daybreak the anchor was out and I was underway across Exuma Sound to Eleuthera . The start was with a gently breeze but at 10.00 the wind picked up and sailing went fine.

I decided to go to “ Rock Sound “ . The last bit of the voyage I had the wind on the nose and I had to make a few tacks but at 21.30 lt on March 02 the anchor was in near “ Pigeon Bay “ . I cleared the boat and took a beer and something to eat.

The next morning after the coffee and breakfast I pick up the anchor and went to the anchorage near the village.

Once there I prepared the dinghy and went ashore to get some fresh veggies at the local supermarket. Back on board I stowed everything. Then I took the fresh water jerrycans and filled up the big tank and went ashore to fill them again. By that time it was already late afternoon. And I picked up the anchor and went back to the spot I was last night . Why ? Because I didn’t want to listen to the very very loud music from the very small waterfront bar.

Once on anchor I took my dirty cloth and put them in bucket with the fresh water and soap so they could soak during the night.

The next morning again it was first coffee and breakfast and then under a small foresail back to the village. I finished the washing and it on guard rail for drying before I went ashore for a bit more shopping and the last fresh water fill. And again by the end of the afternoon I went back to were I had started in the morning

Sunset on the anchorage that evening .

The next morning at again daybreak I went underway in northerly direction. The wind was very light but I could make progress north slowly.

I sailed that slow so I had a good look at the bottom passing under me. The picture lep shows how much wind there was , yes nil . But just drifting and waiting for wind is wonderful.

By the end of the afternoon the wind picked up a bit and I could sail al the way to “ Alabaster Bay “ . This was a big open bay what made it easy to enter even at night time. At 22.00 lt on Sunday March 05 I was safe on anchor and yes cleared the boat and took a cold beer .

The next morning there was a nice breeze and after the coffee and breakfast I went underway to “ Hatchet Bay Harbour “. This is nice nearly landlocked bay. It was a small lake but long time ago the army blew an opening to sea in the rocks. When you approach it you only see the entrance at the last minute.

On march 06 at 13.15 I was safe at anchor . Once inside the holding for the anchor is good and there is a simple but oke dinghy dock. In the village are two small supermarkets . I only visited one and to my surprise there prize were below what I was used in the Bahamas. The village is one big car wreck dump.

Everywhere are car wrecks. But the people are friendly. At the dinghy dock is a place where you can sit and when I was ashore and back there after my shopping a men was playing his guitar and singing while sitting there. He play nice music. I had a little chat with him .

The next day I left the anchorage again and sailed north to a nice area with some beaches. Next more about that in the next post.

2 thoughts on “Thomas Cay in the Exumas to Rock Sound and Hatchet Bay Harbour on Eleuthera.

    1. Hoi Dina

      ” Thomas Cay in the Exumas to Rock Sound and Hatchet Bay Harbour on Eleuthera. ” en dan daaronder ” ?????? ” en dat laatste is wat ik niet snap.


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